Firstly, we have been asked about
these three theories by our respected lecturer. Sadly, we could not remember
about these theories and major concepts. However, throughout this lecture, we
were able to view and understand clearly.
Behaviorist CALL introduced as the
computer as a tutor for students. It means that the computer plays role as a
teacher in learning process. In this lecture, we understand that this approach
emphasizes on the computer serves as delivering instructional materials to
the student. The lecture’s slides and presentations slides are good
examples where the materials become a role in learning process.
Meanwhile, Communicative CALL was
introduced as it is based on the communicative approach to
teaching. The computer is considered as the pupil. From this
concept, we assume that the computer play a role as one of group members as it
provides input in order to complete the task. In addition, the lecturers do not
play their role as a lecturer because they want the students to work
independently. For example, students do presentation that require additional
At first, computer is considered as tutor in Behaviorist CALL, while, in Communicative CALL, computer works as a pupil. Meanwhile, Integrative CALL is emphasized on computer as a tool for interaction. Actual interaction and chatting at social network are regarded as tool to seek knowledge. This is based on learner-learner interaction in producing the lesson.
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