Reflection 12: Graded Assignment 2




         For graded assignment two, we did a literature review and methodology on CMC or Computer Mediated Communication. From this, we got to know what people think about CMC after a study done by Catalyst Group Design in 2005. When we written a methodology, we have got a clear picture on how we can gather data on ideology in a blog by another blogger. Ideology if said in a more common word is worldview or opinion. It is based from one’s own ideology and we will try to identify what is the reason behind his or her opinions. It is not literally we judge people’s opinion or sentence whether it is right or wrong but it is more to its internal meaning.

           Then, we also had done a summary on “The Phenomenon of Blog and Theoretical Model of Blog Use in Educational Contexts” by Hyung Nam Kim. In the summary, it is basically about the advantages and disadvantages of blog in educational sector. Blog is widely used now because it is most popular among teenagers and young adults. By using blog, it can help students who apply long distance learning and can establish communication between peers through the use of CMC. However, the benefits from learning by using CMC cannot be achieved if there are some students who are not motivated to search and learning through any educational posts in the CMC. Lastly, students can be best benefited from learning through blog if they allow themselves to receive comments or criticisms from others based on the posts posted.

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