Reflection on week 5: CALL in Language Skills LSRWG
Overall, we have learned technological resources in five different language skills which are listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar skills to support learning objectives.
Traditionally, we noticed that students are presented with listening-based activities where students listen to teacher’s lectures. Today, the development of technology helps students in learning process through listening skill. In last lecture, we were introduced with various of listening activities like multimedia environment and internet listening program where they are able to assist students to learn languages. Audio and video activities are examples in listening skill. By using these kinds of activities, language class becomes more meaningful and exciting.
Meanwhile, speaking skill introduces students in using the correct pronunciation. Speaking skill can be done by applying CALL in language learning. We were introduced with variety of multimedia programs with pronunciations and e-mail, voice mail and chat room via internet. All of these activities can be done if CALL is applied in learning process. All these activities help learners and teachers to interact and speak.
Next is reading skill. Reading from text books will be bored since there is a limitation in term of its design. However, computer can present text in variety of ways apart from plain printed. The advantage of the computer is it offers animation, sound, graphics, photographs and videos in order to make text and reading more interesting. Plus, we have learned how computer able to improve reading skill in term of vocabulary.

In our opinion, writing skill gives pressure in language learning where we have to observe vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure, cohesion and coherence to produce meaningful sentences. Throughout this class, we agreed that computer helps students to check their spelling error using specific writing programs like spelling-checker, word processor and text analysis program even though, we cannot rely on it 100%. We think that blogs can be the best way to practice and enhance writing skill. What is blog then? A blog is an online journal which can be continuously updated by its users. They can write their own opinions without worrying anything. Plus, it can develop learners’ critical thinking where learners have to express their minds for certain issues. It also can motivate students to develop their writing skills and able to prevent writing apprehension.
Lastly, CALL also can be used in grammar skill. Computer offers real possibilities of software and materials for language learning. Internet, for instance, is to provide free software such as Hot Potatoes by Half-Baked Software. Since computer focuses on its user’s progress and mistakes, it guides learners to correct their error by using grammar checker, for example. Thus, students are able to learn and improve their grammar.
In conclusion, various skills can be applied if people want to seek and learn knowledge. Allah S.W.T always wants to change His servants to be learned and literate Ummah. This is because knowledge is the basis of all good. That is why the first revelation was sent to Muslim in order to encourage human being to learn knowledge. Allah S.W.T said:
" Read! In the name of your Lord, Who has created(all that exists). Has created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the most Generous, who has taught(the writing) by the pen. Has taught man that which he did not know." (Surah Al-Alaq: 1-5)
The prophet Muhammad S.A.W also considered seeking knowledge is obligatory toward every Muslim. No exceptional either man or woman.
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