Today, we learn about the islamization of knowledge. It is a variety of attempts and approaches to combine the ethics of Islam with various field of modern thought. This Islamization of Knowledge does not only focusing on information but on how we promote ourselves to become role models in the whole world. Questions such as who do we represent; who will get the benefit if we do well in studies; and how are our brothers and sisters in Islam doing? are the examples when we think about knowledge. Sharing and giving out knowledge to people are part of dakwah. The steps of dakwah begin from ourselves, family and society.
This is the first and important step if we want to be the role model of nations. We have lots of responsibilities which consist of the responsibilities as a daughter or son, student and other. Everything that we do reflect how we are being brought up. As a daughter, we should respect our parents, brothers and sisters. We should not raise our voice to the older ones but instead listen to their advice and speak politely.
Meanwhile, as a student, gaining knowledge is also a dakwah. Most of the students want to continue their studies because they want to get their degree certificate and dean list. But, the correct way of learning is because of Allah and we need to be ikhlas on what we are doing. Then, our knowledge will be barakah.
Besides that, we should show good example among our friends because we have the tendency to speak informally with our friends. We might use harsh or slang words in daily communication such as “woi”, “what’s up” and others. Instead of using those words we can use words such as Insyaallah, May Allah Bless You and Alhamdullillah. Using good and appropriate words will avoid misunderstanding during the communication.

We also need to be the role model in the family. Respect is the keyword in ethics of Islam. We should respect the oldest and appreciate all the sacrifices and contributions they have given us. They have raised us to be a successful person and we should pay them. Pay them does not means give parents money. It is love that they are looking for from their children. Nowadays, children appreciate them by giving money and other material things. They do not realize that money is not important for older people. By calling, visiting and asking how they are doing are already enough to make the parents feel happy. They only want the children to remember them.
As a Muslim, we should wear proper attire which covers our aurah. We want to show to the world that covering aurah is really important especially for women. It is because we should protect our dignity as women. Besides that, we should give seats to someone who in need when we are using public transportations. We should not be selfish and ignore it. Saying “thank you” and “I am sorry” also part of islamization of knowledge. It shows our moral. People would feel happy when someone is appreciating on what they are doing and people would not feel angry easily when people are apologizing.
In conclusion, to change society to be better people, we should improve ourselves. Therefore, we can be good role model to the family, society and nation. All things we do in our daily live will reflect who we are. The quote from Audrey Hepburn stated: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone” means everyone will know who we are when they see our manners and actions. It is important to show good moralities. There is also hadith stated about manner which is from Al-Bukhari; Abu Hurairah (RA) said, “I heard Abu al Qasim (Rasulullah (SAW)), say, ‘The best among you in Islam are those with the best manners, so long as they develop a sense of understanding.”
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