Can you detect what is this post about from the title? We had a fun week learning about it. really. it is interesting to learn 'new' way of communication.well.. it is not that "New" actually, but we did explore new things that we never encounter before. So, what is "Computer Mediated Communication" or "CMC" ?
- " Communication that takes place between human beings via the instrumentality of computers " (Herring: 1:1996)
- "The use of computer system or network for the transfer, storage,or retrieval of information among humans. "(Collentine & Collentine, 1997)
- " Computer Conferencing " (Hiltz and Turoff ,1978)
Basically, we believe most of you already knows what is CMC all about. it is the technical part about it, is yet to be discovered. Well, CMC is divided into two forms , which are, Synchronous and Asynchronous.
Synchronous CMC is when the communication is in the real time and instantaneous. For example like Real time chatting and video conferencing, where you have direct connection with the significant other as the exchange of information are rapid and participant communicate in same session. IRC, Facebook,Twitter are the examples of mode of synchronous cmc as the language used resembles more on spoken conversation which indeed, a combination of written and oral styles of communication. In synchronous CMC, the use of 'smiley', 'cryptic language' and 'emotes' characterizes the register of this mode of communication. It is really interesting where one could express or even hide their emotions just by using emoticons. they are used to make up the absence of facial expressions, eye-contact and body language.

check out this video on how to create cute emoticons on facebook
nowdays it's getting advance where we could even create animated emoticons. Check this video guys!
Cryptic language and emotes also are used in CMC as it simplifies the communications and it means different denotation when different cases are used.
Asynchronous CMC is it does not involve non-real time communication where the communication is not direct and took delay time for response between each other like e-mail, blogs and bulletin boards as the message is read and responded at later time. Asynchronous CMC combines the factors of time saving and easy editing. It is a powerful learning tool as it provide more time for the participant to edit and yet to correct mistakes instantly.
Despite all the good things about CMC as we stated above, there are a few disadvantage of CMC. As the communication only took place behind the computers, it is hard for us to determine the tones or people might misunderstood the real point. Especially for those who are not familiar with us. CMC also might caused lack of self-confidence when one facing the real world. one may 'speak' anything in mind through computer, but may 'stuttered' when having face-to-face conversation. in the aspect of language learning, the usage of abbreviation, cryptic language and all, some way might affect the language proficiency of the participant. As the competency of language between two person might not be corrected if there is mistake occurred.
summary :
Advantages of CMC:
- Online Information Databases
One advantage is that there is an abundance of online information that can be turned to instructional uses. We can now find information in seconds from the comfort of our own home. Teachers and students can communicate with each other about online instruction, download useful files for classes from remote databases, and post lessons and tutorials online.
- Emphasis Shift from Teaching to Learning
CMC shifts the focus from the teacher's instruction and places the responsibility of learning onto the shoulders of the students. Instead of passively sitting through class lectures and endless seat work, CMC empowers the students to actively master the material.
- Individual Learning Styles
Since everyone has a different style of learning not everyone is expected to learn in the same way. CMC allows students to use several different styles of learning, including instructor-directed discussion, group discussion, guest lecture, presentation, and brainstorming (Eastmond & Ziegahn, 1995). This flexibility and diversity allows the learning experience to become more personalized and individualized.
- Expanded Cultural Awareness
Since people through the use of CMC can communicate with everyone in the world, it can be said the computer mediated communication activities can be designed to promote increased cultural awareness. In this context, CMC can serve as a powerful tool to eliminate stereotypes and preconceived notions about "foreigners" and their native countries.
- Lack of Geographic and Time Barriers
It is self-explanatory that CMC can overcome geographic barriers. Students do not have to be physically present in the same room in order to communicate. This is especially beneficial to students with physical disabilities of those in remote locations who can take courses that otherwise would not be available to them.
- Lack of Social Barriers
CMC can be a very stress-free way of communication for people who find communicating really difficult. There are a lot of people who find it difficult to communicate with others face to face for a number of reasons.
Disadvantages of CMC:
- Access and Compatibility
To interact electronically, a computer, modem, telephone line, and communication software is needed. What happens to those who do not have the money, skills to be able to use CMC? People that can afford to study on-line do not have to choose between work and studying and this means that they can advance quicker.
- Necessary skills
Besides the apparent computer skills that someone may need to have (and in many cases the students now more than the teachers), for effective CMC you also need to have discipline and patience.
- Face-to-Face Human Contact
CMC is a great medium for reaching out to others, but it cannot replace face-to-face human contact. CMC will never, and should not, replace face-to-face human interactions. Human contact is necessary and important, especially in this information age in which students and teachers are bombarded with information at every turn. It is easy to become desensitized to the real world. However, as illustrated by the case studies in this book, CMC is able to conveniently bring people together who, by any other means, would never have the chance to interact.
In today’s modern society, talking/speech is not the only method of communication. There are also such others such as phones, chats (YM, MSN), social networks (Facebook), forums and so much more! So therefore, as Muslims, we must always be careful when it comes to communication! In Islam, Muslims are thought with appropriate communication manners; hence, we should always remember that every word he/she says is accounted for. Which means, everything you utter/type might get you sinned or rewarded!

"Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)” [Qaf 50:18]
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