Reflection on week 13: Final
It is almost 14 weeks and the semester is almost comes to an end... there's so much we had gained. What is so different about this semester is we actually learnt how to use information technology at full use especially when this blog is created. It has become space for us to share and reflect all the work we did throughout the semester…not only to our classmates but also to the world, who read our blog of course… :)
the blog is used as "learning portfolio" ... the experience of using
blog as a medium of education, we had discovered some powerful benefits of
blogging for students.
Reflection: How many times do we actually sit
down and expressing our thoughts and take time to reflect on what we have
learned? By using blog, it gives us time to actually reflect what we learnt in
class and blogging has been hugely beneficial in doing this for us, because the
benefit of writing and reflecting on what we learned in class creating
emotional connection to the information. What make it different or rather
special about having a blog for this subject is we could reflect from the
comments and advice of others as well, which help us to refine our own ideas.
is a great way to write and share ideas, and what make it more interesting is
when a blog is created, it's not only content screens and words ( compare to
pages and pages of books) but it's an interactive kind of medium as we could
add videos and animations in our blog. It's used as a medium for us to share
our voice, and becoming fluent in " 21st century literacy".
youtube and slideshare are some of many examples
how to "chase" the rhythm of interactive education technology.
At any point, we can go back to the beginning of our
blog and see where we have learned. Reflecting, we can see how we have
grown and what our thought process has become and how has it
developed. Through the blog, we are able to look more in depth into what
we have learned, and if we tag and categorize it properly, we are easily able
to google our own work, as can anyone else. The opportunity to search
that this medium provides makes it a lot easier to go back and revisit what we
have learned in the past, as opposed to flipping through notebook after
notebook, trying to find something extremely specific. Can you imagine
googling your work from your childhood? it would be fantastic right?... rather
funny, something to laugh about (>,<)
That being said, if we do give them the freedom to write or share not
only what they are interested in, but also share it how they like, it could
develop into something very powerful that will also give them an authentic
Reflection from the Quranic verse :

We sent not before thee (any messengers) save men whom We inspired from among the folk of the townships - Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them? And verily the abode of the Hereafter, for those who ward off (evil), is best. Have ye then no sense?
Till, when the messengers despaired and thought that they were denied, then came unto them Our help, and whom We would was saved. And Our wrath cannot be warded from the guilty.
In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe.
Yusuf - 12:109-111
P/S: just as thought.. Allah asked us to reflect ( muhasabbah & tafakkur) towards our life. just like what we could gain benefit from these blog. INSHA-ALLAH.
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