Summary of CALL-enhanced L2 Listening Skills – Aiming for Automatization in a Multimedia Environment by MARÍA JESÚS BLASCO MAYOR, University Jaume I, Spain.
Maria Jesus
Blasco Mayor writes a paper entitled “CALL-enhanced L2 Listening Skills –
Aiming for Automatization in a Multimedia Environment.” in aiming to propose current
information on processing theories and L2 (Second language) listening
comprehension research. There are many recent studies on L2 listening
comprehension but a special attention is on L2 related to the field of
psycholinguistics. In this field, the input or acoustic signal is first
processed phonetically, and then the listener tries to identify the words and
constructs sentences according to what they had heard. All these ways are
involving on what they can recall from something that they heard. The research
is carried out because to achieve learner’s automatization of L2 input
processing and also to upgrade the level of proficiency among L2 learners from
a lower-intermediate to an advanced L2 listening competence.
listening skill has been abandoned for many years before because many believed
that to acquire a language, one does not have to take into account the ability
to be a good listener, he or she only has to be good in speaking, writing,
reading and grammar. But, only recently the listening skill has begun to spark
its glow and many researchers are begin to see it as important as the other
skills. As quoted in the research, "A neglected macroskill for decades,
developing listening comprehension skill is now considered crucial for L2 acquisition."
(Mayor, 2009, p.1).
Thus, in the
research, it is stated that to acquire language, it is not the skills that
matter but the materials used are much more important. Therefore, the
researcher uses a view from Richard (1993) where he argues that “instructional
materials do make a difference when it comes to teaching – therefore we believe
that special attention should be paid to the design of materials that are a)
based on recent research b) appropriate to language proficiency; c) motivating
and d) technologically state-of-the-art.”
In today’s
multimedia society, listening can be done through CALL (Computer assisted
language learning). Academically, to enhance L2 listening training, the
students can use the help of video where they understand the language visually
and acoustically. This is strongly argued by Jones (2003) where the use of
multimodal media in CALL helps the learner comprehends acoustic input. In
addition, a high number of learners, especially the least proficient, benefit
from both acoustic and visual text cues to increase their comprehension
The sample
which is chosen by the researcher in this study is a group of foreign language learners. They
were evaluated in terms of their listening comprehension skill by using many
means such as gradual approach, simpler and complex oral texts and tasks, the
use of video and audio and latest digital technology. However, to carry out the
research by using video and audio, the participants were divided into groups of
skilled listeners and unskilled listeners.
the research, pre-listening task, while-listening task and
post-listening task were conducted. The pre-listening task is used to prepare the listener’s
cognitive. Thus, the techniques that can be used are brainstorming, word
mapping, lists of keywords, oral repetition and explanation of vocabulary items.
while-listening task, it can be varied according to learner’s proficiency. It
is includes intermediate, upper-intermediate and advance level learners. But,
overall, they must understand and summarize the oral text just from what they
heard even if it is only the gist of it.
During the
post-listening task, the listener can consolidate the language in terms of
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse features and cultural items. They
have to make a full use of whatever knowledge they encountered in the previous
phases and do a tougher task such as to transcript a particular speech fragment.
doubt, in all three stages of tasks, in several activities when the
participants are doing the listening tasks, simultaneously viewing skill is
also involved. However, rather than viewing, it is more depend on listening. It
is also the same when using video as a method of teaching, what can be found is
that, it only produces more passive learners. Highly proficient learners can
get benefit from it but, those with lower proficiency can only guess what is
going on in the movie and what are the characters talking about. It shows that
by only viewing the material without understands it, will not help the
participants to be better listeners. This is because, when they hear something
that they do not understand, they will not pay any attention and they rather
looking around them than to look at the screen.
The purposes
to let listeners use CALL to enhance their listening skill because it has a
wide range of listening strategies such as predicting, guessing, recognizing
discourse markers, stress and intonation and making use of context clues and
non verbal clues. Computer-based learning also provides instructions on how to
comprehend fragments, summarize information, focus on form either acoustically
or graphically and they also can know how to learn by using software especially
in listening practice and make it as their daily routine.
skill is not something to be push aside anymore. When learners try to improve
reading and oral skills, they will need listening skill to assist them. When
they read or speak loudly, they have to hear their voices to make sure that
they are using the correct pronunciation and eventually can be good readers and
speakers. Thus, listening skill is not only related to watching videos or to
enhance focus but also as a mean to improve learners’ language skills.
there is one digital platform or website which is currently used named Labint.
It has been operating for three years now with its original intention was to
guide the lab users and gradually developed into E-Lab. Now, it is used for
Interpreting classes and English as a second language and self-access
Taken from Mayor, M. (2009). CALL-enhanced L2 Listening Skills-Aiming for Automatization in a Multimedia Environment. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 35, No. 1. University Jaume I, Spain.
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